Friday, December 26, 2008

A Nigga Moment.

Yes, that's right. I said it. Nigga. And do you know why? Because some people in this world are just so ignorant, that, you can't think of any other word to describe the retardation that occurs in their prehistoric, uneducated brains.

Most people will say many positive things about Diddy, AKA Puffy, AKA P. Diddy AKA Puff Daddy; about his entrepreneurship and his success as a music producer. I have no beefs with that. And I also have no problems with people who take their success give back to the communities that supported them. But when you announce to the world that you plan on helping the homeless by giving away FREE IPOD NANOS, you are a dumb, stupid, foolish nigga.

What the FUCK are homeless people going to do with ipods? Upload their favorite tunes off their fancy computers? Of course. And while they're on the internet, they'll look up the many ways to prepare hot meals for their starving families. Seriously, when people like Diddy and Bush are able to live successfully in this world without a shred of clear intelligence on the tips of their brain, it blows my fucking mind.

What is he trying to accomplish? Is he trying to mock the people who cannot afford to feed and clothe themselves or secure employment? In this fucked up economy, it's just fucking ignorant of you Sean Combs. I seriously feel my blood boiling over the stupidity that stems from whatever lifestyle it is you lead. Isn't your publicist supposed to keep you from making an ass of yourself? Or are you pocketing her wages the same way you do when you shelve your artists?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jon Agua's Winter Break - Day #2

Christmas day. Accompanied the family to a celebration in mass. Not one of my favorite things in the world to do, but I did it for them. After that, there was not much else to report. We all decided to be lazy and just hang indoors. Sleep around and eat. Also we watched a few movies. But it felt nice to be back home and have everyone sitting around to share something.

Feels a bit crowded in here, but it's nice. The kids are always hyper and keeping me on my toes with their energies. Tomorrow though, I think I'm gonna wake up and go job hunting. I need to fix this money situation ASAP. Freelancing is tough, and has been hurting my pocket. Hopefully this economy will turn around and pick up soon cuz it's definitely affecting everybody.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jon Agua's Winter Break - Day #1

A typical morning back home with the family. I woke up, hungry as usual, and decided to whip up some pancakes. Mhm. Been a long time since I made some of those bad boys my way. Then I looked in the fridge and discovered the single most anticipated thing I look forward to every Christmas, pernil. That's right. And for all you Spanish illiterate people out there, it's pork. (I forgot which part of the pig but I think it's the back - I know I should know but I don't care cuz it could be pork's ass for I call are and I'd still eat - Yes it's that good.) So that definitely made my morning cuz I know we gonna be tearing that joint up TONIGHT!

Anyway, I've decided that I was going to try and log as much of my winter break as possible. Yeah sounds boring, but I will try to make it as entertaining for you folks as possible. My reason for writing today was something that my nephew said. This morning, Matthew made a song request. He remembered a song he'd heard when we was to go driving in my car. I was a little moved by the fact that he remembered. It was "Back in the Day" by The Pharcyde. He was able to describe the song to me by repeating the melody of the chorus. I guess the reason I was moved is because I have always loved hip-hop. And nowadays I find myself listening to more old stuff than anything new cuz most of the new stuff just blows.

More interesting though is how my nephews generation is going to be affected. Most families today are living with three generations now in the household due to economic times. So the youngest generation in the household is going to pick up things pertaining to three different eras, including their own. Matthew is definitely smarter than I was at his age and he's only 5. His imagination and vocabulary are way beyond what mine was. All the information surrounding him is tremendous and the facilities through which he can access this have only become easier to use and more entertaining (internet, TV, video games, etc.). So I only imagine the type of information this kid holds in his brain and will have when he is in his teens.

But even the fact that he was able to remember the song just kills me. A kid enjoying a song reminiscing about one's childhood, makes him feel like a little grown up (whether or not he knows what the song is saying).

Here is the song for you folks to enjoy.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nothing says home, like junk food.

So I began my winter break, and I started off with Chinese food, which I have been craving for so long. Nothing beats the chinese spot around my way. Grade-A stuff. Mmm. Mmm. Merry Christmas to Jon. :D

not actual picture. but you get the point.


Finally, a much needed winter break for my brain. I hate this place and I cannot wait to graduate. Honestly I feel like waving one of these right now.

And don't tell me "oh, you say that now but once we leave college you're gonna miss it", cuz it's BULLSHIT. I'm never gonna miss doing homework, or writing a stupid essay on environmental history, or doing math (yuck). Never! The only thing I will miss is the dorming experience and the moments I shared with my friends here on campus. Other than that, pfft. School can kiss my ass goodbye.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

In the spirit of a naughty Christmas

Jordan 11 & 12 package drops TODAY!

I'm no Jordan connoisseur, but the little time I spent working in a sneaker store in the summer I picked up a bit of knowledge. For starters, I know that Jordan started packaging their Jordans together to add up to 23. I think that's stupid because good Jordans are mixed up with ugly ones sometimes. But this package in particular, even I will admit is a good combo.

The only problem now is coughing up somewhere around 250-350. In these times? That's a big problem. And to make matter worse, finding them in your size is even tougher. Sorry ladies, but 3.5 and 4's go FAST. Hope your boyfriends really got love for ya this Christmas.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fuck that shit.

If any one of you people out there tried this on me, you better believe someone gonna die.

snow day!

Stuck out at Stony Brook until Tuesday BUT, that doesn't meant I can't enjoy the beautiful snowfall.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

best decision of 2008.

There comes a time in every man's life, when they encounter a situation that has them feeling like they've accomplished something so great, that no matter what the haters might say, or your friends may think, you feel like you are on top of the world. So you do your victory dance, you embellish on your greatness, and you share your grin with the rest world. For me, that accomplishment involved a meal decision that I will never forget.

These last couple of weeks have been rather tough for me at college. I have been hating myself for STILL being in this hell hole. And to make matters worse, I ran out of meal points in early November. Hunger and anger is not a good combination, and in fact, is the same combination that has started many revolutions. Just ask Che Guevara. [Stay tuned for an update on Stony Brook Riots]

Today, me and my friends looked for something to please our appetites, and satisfy our hunger. Given that we are unemployed and without meal points, we are limited to mac and cheese or ramen noodles to keep us alive. But every now and then, we are able to spend a little cash off campus. Only today was different, because today, we feasted at IHOP.

Say what you want about the terrible service, the fact that it is a chain restaurant, and that IHOP is not the first place you would think to go if truly hungry. But god damnit, did it get the job DONE. As a hungry person, you throw a lot of your inhibitions out the window of a speeding vehicle as you head to your nearest crap food service location. You settle for almost anything that will help your pocket and stuff you until you can't move. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you... the Colorado Omelet.

[not actual picture, but bear with me]

The meatlover's omelet features a cheese covered egg blanket of beef, ham, sausage, and bacon. With pepper's, tomatoes, and some other stuff in there I don't care enough to mention. Accompanied with... wait for it... wait for it... chocolate chip pancakes. YES. FUCK YES. It's like, a flat brownie of orgasmic proportions, and quite frankly, I think I jizzed a little. And to top it off, a bottomless pot of coffee with milk and sugar.

Let's just say it took about 30 minutes after I was done eating before I could gain enough energy to stand. And we rubbed elbows with death as my friend fought off the itis to get us back on campus. But we were successful. And here I am to spread the word of this delicious accomplishment which has filled me until, Saturday. Sure maybe I'm being dramatic. But I am happy, and last time I checked, that's all that mattered to me. My new motto?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

oh no they didnt!

And ANOTHER shoe throwing game involving Bush's face. This time do it with the Iraqi journalists voice screaming with every launch.

cyanide & happiness

Dance Flick - Movie Trailer

Now, I have always been a fan of the Wayans Bros.; from their shows to their movies. It's been a while since they've followed up their movie parodies. They originated the what is now "franchised" movie parodies with titles like "Date Movie" and "Epic Movie" but they only participated in the making of Scary Movie 1 & 2.

Personally, I know this movie is not going to be a work of genius, but I love a good stupid movie just like everyone else. And this trailer has some funny moments where I could not stop laughing. Also, Damon Wayans Jr. makes his debut and looks just like his pops! Crazy.

whats on the tube

In case you dont follow TV or simply don't get Showtime, it's important that you know that good TV still exists.

Dexter, the story of a part-time blood splatter analyst and full-time serial killer, just finished it's third season last Sunday. Not one of my favorite season finales of this show particularly BUT, good nonetheless. So if you're ever looking for something to NETFLIX, or something to download through your local resources (whichever it may be), I recommend catching up. You won't regret it at all. I've already put a few people on and they were as hooked on it as I was.

Returning in January to HBO after about a year and 1/2 hiatus, Flight of the Conchords ill be making it's season 2 debut. If you've never seen this show, it's about two untalented musicians from New Zealand living in New York. What makes this show so clever and funny are the instants these two break into song to capture the their musical interpretation of the situations they encounter. Definitely worth watching.

mmm... air max 90's - cool grey

these always look fresh with a nice sleek pair of jeans. def a summer time sneaker but still looks dope all year round.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

more baby tomfoolery

nothing funnier than watching kids FAIL. interestingly enough though, only white babies seem to be THIS clumsy

mmm... blazers

the new colorway

better sooner than later.

good times.

Move Your Feet - Junior Senior

another good song with a different kind of music video. gotta love it.

it was only a matter of time...

now you too can join in on the latest Bush moment.

Click here to see what I'm talking about.

mmm... dunks.

spiderman high top dunks? pretty fresh...

1 guy VS 4 cops VS an entire stadium

Stupid pigs fuck up once again. I'm sorry but if you feel the need to excess your authority, then be prepared to pay for the consequences of an angry mob not willing to take your shit anymore.

secret santa

So this year, the family decided to go with a "Secret Santa" trade off for x-mas. It seems like a lot of families have been doing this to deal with the discomfort of the recession. Regardless of the fact that x-mas is an industry driven holiday, I can't help but feel that this year it will help serve to protect many from a reality we are uncomfortable to accept; that a lot of us are jobless and broke. Fortunately for shoppers with very shallow pockets, there are many businesses shutting down stores. So, discounts may be available for things that are normally way out of your x-mas list shopping margin.

Still, this recession has really hit home and quite frankly it terrifies me a little. But not because I'm scared of starving to death or because getting a job will be even more difficult once I graduate (as traumatic as things might be). What scares me most is what this type of situation does to people. There is nothing worse than angry mobs of people full who feel they have been pushed into a corner retaliating against everyone else in order to obtain what they feel is rightfully theirs. "Survival" makes people do terrible things.

So this x-mas, as I sit with my family and watch my niece and nephew open their presents under the tree, I'll be hoping that this economy can find a place to settle soon so that I don't ever have to look into the eyes of my niece and nephew to tell them that the Santa won't be coming this year.

Monday, December 15, 2008

bumpin in my ipod

Scarface's 10th and final LP. Good stuff. Definitely some bangers on here including "High Powered", and "Can't Get Right" Feat. Bilal. Also, Lil' Wayne has a feature on here where he is actually rapping about something worth listening to on "Forget About Me". Wow. Nuff said.

For something with only ten tracks, you got nothing but goooood music. Just like the Be album, Common is able to give his fans back to back music that will play right through without hitting the skip button. My favs? "Announcement", "Sex 4 Sugar", "Make My Day" Feat. Cee-Lo, and "What A World" Feat. Chester French.

Definitely worth a listen.


Another late post, but I thought I would share for those of you who do not keep up with the hip hop game.

LupEND, will be Lupe's third and final album. That's right. One of the illest emcee's to hit the airwaves is retiring early. As sad as I am about this, I am glad he will go out while still on top.

The good news? Lup [Everywhere] [Nowhere] and [Down Here] will be a 3 DISC album. That's right. So Lupe, who has dropped two albums with at least 18 tracks each, will be dropping an album with hopefully, 3 times the material. So if we're lucky, that's a minimum of 30 songs! Amazing.

I am anxious to hear this stuff as Lupe enthusiast. And if you have not really listened to a Lupe album, then you my friend are missing out. Check it out and I guarantee you will love it.

Bombs away

I know I'm a little late with this, but, I can't help but commenting on why it caught my eye. For starters, regardless of patriotism or whatever you wanna judge me for, you cannot blame this journalist for having some sort of outrage and anger against out president. America has fucked up Iraq. And in my eyes, his actions were justified, even if they were illogical and crazy. I mean you don't attack the president of the country that was not afraid to bomb you to begin with. Which brings me to my next point.

I have always tried to be observant of the way the media spins certain coverage, and personally this is one of those times. Notice how the lower third ( the box with the information about the network and what you are viewing, etc. )? Doesn't it seem a little larger than usual? Well that's cuz it is. But only because MSNBC doesn't want you to see how quickly the secret service tackles the shit out this man. Who knows what they did to him as he laid on the ground. Regardless, the US government would feel it is justified, even if it was only a shoe. That missed by the way.

Finally, I don't speak Iraq, but I'm sure that the translation that the news network was able to acquire of what the journalist is said to be yelling is probably wrong. So expect this man to be treated and labeled as a terrorist. Even though this is being treated lightly, it's still interesting to see how the media works to censor certain things and spin them in their favor.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Step Brothers" clip.

My latest obsession. I saw this film in theaters and again recently. Will Ferrel's dance at 0:43 brings a tear to my eye.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Silly, silly stuntman.

Fucking pigs

So apparently, Stony Brook University Campus Police is being audited for under reporting the actual amount of criminal activity on campus. Click here for the full report by our campus newspaper.

Immortal Technique @ NYU

Here are some old pics I took a couple weeks back of an Immortal Technique performance back at NYU. It was pretty tight. He performed Harlem Streets, my fave Technique track.

Bought a copy of Revolutionary Vol. 2 and got it autographed. Pretty awesome night. For me at least, and my boy Goose.


Last week I was officially put in charge by a friend of mine to remake this video. Should I even bother dealing with this piece of garbage?

Friday, December 5, 2008

I need more music like THIS!

Just thought I should share something really awesome with you guys. ENJOY!

Monday, December 1, 2008

This past weekend

So the premiere of "Tonite Girl" was set to go down on Saturday Novemeber 29th at Imperial Night Club. However, due to unforeseen events, it did not go as planned. Seems like the whole night was hexed on my end. Before leaving my house, I set my phone to charge only to find that for some reason, it will not. I try again and again and cannot get my phone's battery to charge. At this point, my cell phone battery is dead. I text everyone who I knew would show and told them about my phone situation and left without it.

I arrive to the spot where I spot my friend Goose and Dorian, the DP, already inside. Landie had yet to show so we waited by the bar where we paid for overpriced drinks. (No surprises there). Everything went pretty well up until it was brought to my attention that the DJ's were using the worst most ancient PC equipment to read the DVDs I had of the music video. So, we tried all three copies and regardless of how badly I wanted it to play, my paranoia had become reality and were now sitting in a club with several networks who now could not the video. Bummer.

We thought, let's forget about it and celebrate amongst ourselves. But then there was another problem. Apparently the promoter who had promised the Landie (artist in the video) a table in the back room had not committed to his agreement. What made this worse is that the bouncers were probably the biggest dickholes I have ever come across. Also, I felt bad for Landie because we was now being shut down in front of his guests. Not a good look when you're trying to show off your latest video. So, we were moved to another spot in the club, which wasn't so bad. We drank and danced and the night went on. At this point, no one had come by to show any support. But I wasn't upset, in fact, I was glad because I was embarassed the night had gone in the complete opposite direction I was hoping it would.

One friend did show up though, but was turned away at the door... for no reason. Apparently the guy at the door thought the white people standing behind them were better suited to enter the club. They were shut down and then told to get off the line. It wasn't the dresscode because for one, that club cleary wasn't strict about it. I saw people in there wearing things i KNOW would not be considered club wear. To make matters worse, my friend's had traveled from BK just to hang with me for the night. It was then that I was like, you know what fuck this club. I left, and went to meet with my friends who I could not find.

I hopped on the train only for it to lose power. In between stations. Tipsy, annoyed, and impatient, I sit on the train waiting for someone to give me a reason to spazz out. Fortunately power is restored and I get home. My mom points out that my father had fixed my phone (being the genius that he is) and go to bed. I was done for the night and I did not want to deal with anyone or anything.

Worst night ever? I don't think so. But things could have been better. Fuck that club. I'm sticking to house parties.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tonite Girl Music Video

It's finally finished. Wow. Can't believe it.

It's 3:54 am and I am sitting here thinking that I have finally added the finishing touches on the final cut of "Tonite Girl" by Landie Love. I've never been more proud about anything I've directed before. This was a great process for so many reasons and there are so many people to thank. The crew; Dorian, Edwin, Ronny, Al, & of course my partner in crime Jonavy. They made it all possible and I know that these guys support me all the way as much as I support them each individually in anything they want to do.

Below are some photos of the shoot for anyone who hasn't seen them.

Landie on the stage taking his own footage
to show his fans on myspace.

Me directing Landie.

Some awesome lighting effects courtesy of
Edwin - the grip
and Dorian - the D.P.

Fontini in action.

So yeah that's just a few of the pics, no need to show you all of them. Now what could possibly top off the fact that we've completed this bad boy? Well how about a nice premiere at the Imperial Nightclub downtown on 17 West 19th Street between 5th and 6th ave. Nothing but, but still, it's a nice touch. And definitely an awesome wrap party. Can't wait, especially since the crew will be there and we all felt that this last project brought us together and proved we function very well as a team.

Feel free to come celebrate with us!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's Alive!

::Stretch:: ::Yawn::

Woke up this morning and realized that I have not posted anything on this blog since MAY! Holy crap that's a long time. I'm sorry for the long time without any postings people. I hope we were missed.

Anyway, expect a lot of cool stuff within the next couple of days as I bring this blog back up to full speed. Some things you might have missed: is under construction. We have a designer, Serge Moreau currently working on a new template for the site. I am personally thankful that he has taken consideration to working with us on this as I feel my layout is a little lame.

Secondly, Futago has filmed it's second music video for Landie Love titled "Tonite Girl". We are especially excited about this video because of its professional look and style. I couldn't have been more happy with the footage but none of it was possible without Dorian Tocker, the Director of Photography. Thankfully, we all work great as a team and I am convinced that I need to work on filming my next personal short film soon. This is going to be a juicy one.

Finally, I am almost graduating, another semester and a half and I am DONE and coming home to the real world. Nervous and excited; such confusing emotions but hey. I'm just gonna have to suck it up.

Anyway, expect new stuff to look through soon.

- Jon Agua

Monday, May 12, 2008

more weekend fun.

nas came thru stony brook university this past saturday for an awesome concert. finally this school provides some awesome entertainment that we could all use. here are some pics i took with my phone.

i was pretty close to the stage. i got there early to make sure i got a good spot. man was this performance ill. he did a couple classics from "it ain't hard to tell", to "made you look", to "got yourself a gun". he even did his verse from "if i ruled the world" and two singles from his upcoming album, "nigger". fucking... A.

but i got the feeling that nas knew i was in the crowd. why? cuz that kid did my song man. that's right, "one mic". i totally creamed my pants and definitely lost my voice reciting the lyrics to this classic hit. let me tell you i havent been to too many concerts but this one i will definitely never forget. he performed that song with so much feeling and emotion, the crowd went nuts. and he was feeling the crowd too which made the night even better, everyone knew the words to all his tracks which definitely got him going.

during the gaps in between songs, people (including myself) kept cheering for him to do his untouchable classic "ether". unfortunately he did not. guess that's what happens when you sign to the same label of the dude you once had the most highly acclaimed hip-hop battle in history with. regardless, it was a dope night. it has inspired me to attend many concert this summer. next up... summer jam '08 and then rock the bells, July 27 baby. hopefully plus many many more.


these silly rapper/producer/hip-hop enthusiasts just never quite learn their lesson. violence just doesn't solve anything, especially if it gets you knocked out. it was just another weekend in this violent producers life as he was cooling it out in the club. oh and that's right, he apparently got into some beef with some dude who owed him money.

leave it to suge knight and some of his dudes to try and whoop on somebody in a club. funny thing was, he managed to land a hook on suge's chin that left him unconscious for about three minutes.

here are some pics courtesy of some website i stole em from.

here he is all laid out and what not.

here is where having hoes as a part of your crew comes in hand. way to go suge. these hoes take good care of their pimp.

oh and here's one where he's bleeding on his yellow shirt from the gap. thank you gap!

afterward suge was apparently picked up by the females shown above and placed in a car which smacked to cars in front and behind it on its way off to the hospital. apparently they were in a hurry to make sure suge wasn't going to die from embarrassment. once again, violence ensues and solves nothing. silly suge, you should have used your glock.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

the horror.

about two weeks ago, both jonavy and i were on our way to help our good friend edwin herrera with the production of his latest short. it was a rainy sunday morning and i was a bit uneasy because i was actually having an AWESOME weekend. and that seldom happens but hey, i like to brag.

anywho on my way to pick him up from his cousins house out in intervale in the bronx, i came across a red light on a somewhat steep hill going downward. as i apply pressure to the brakes, the tires lock up and i go sliding uncontrollably into the approaching intersection. when the car finally manages to regain friction, i come to close stop right beneath the signal light. fortunately, it was around 9 am and there were almost no drivers.

scared and worried about the worn conditions of my tires, i continue onto pick up jonavy in a less speedy and more cautious manner. when we finally reach the highway, everything seems normal again. aside from my radio which was being buggy for almost a week now. it seems that every time i hit the brakes, the doors would unlock and the radio would cut off. yes. that's very annoying, but not dangerous. my doors did NOT fly open suicide style and i was not sucked out of my vehicle, so no worries, that's not the direction where this story is heading.

as we reach the off-ramp to the willis ave bridge, (shown here)

i decide to once again apply pressure to the brakes to slow down for an approaching turn (demonstrated by the red arrow) which is rather sharp. however, it seems i did not anticipate the distance from the opening of the entrance and wall as i waited a bit to late to brake. once again, my tires find them selves locked up and hydroplaning straightward and eventually into a wall (demonstrated by the blue arrow).

at this instant jonavy and i are sitting in the car stupified. i honestly did not car much for what had just happened, in fact i was just glad we were ok. i pull out and over to the nearest area which happened to be a mcdonalds parking lot (demonstrated by the orange spot).

anticipating severe damage, i step out of the car and immediately find acceptance. for some weird reason i wasn't upset, but i was crushed. cliche and i had been thru a multitude of events, adventures, near death incidents were i actually managed NOT to crash. but this seemed like the end of line. i feel she was a bit upset with me because i have long decided to put her up for sale and not have a car this summer (sorry ladies). now i dont know what the value will be like for a car with a dent in it.

so i carry on home instead of queens as planned earlier and ask my father to help me rig the bumper enough to get me to long island and back for the remaining time i had for the semester. let me say, if there was a handy man contest, my dad would have to be like one of the biggest contenders if not undisputed champ. anyway so now, cliche looks something like this.

yes. altho it doesnt looks so bad. the chasis of the front bumper is actually bent. so i would have put in some money to restore its shape. unfortunately, i do not look forward to doing so. and i can only hope that i can get a decent amount of money for the car so just get it off my hands. i will definitely miss cliche with all my heart. she was always there for me (tear). good times in that car. a lot of driving went down since i LOVE to drive. but more importantly, she and i share an old soul and now everytime i hear all the oldie tracks on my ipod, i will share a tear in memory of my first boo, cliche.

just thought id share some emotionally sappy stuff with you guys. other than that. 1 week and half for school to be over and for summer to officially be on. so look out for a lot of sugar rush productions this break....

on that note. peace!