Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's Alive!

::Stretch:: ::Yawn::

Woke up this morning and realized that I have not posted anything on this blog since MAY! Holy crap that's a long time. I'm sorry for the long time without any postings people. I hope we were missed.

Anyway, expect a lot of cool stuff within the next couple of days as I bring this blog back up to full speed. Some things you might have missed: is under construction. We have a designer, Serge Moreau currently working on a new template for the site. I am personally thankful that he has taken consideration to working with us on this as I feel my layout is a little lame.

Secondly, Futago has filmed it's second music video for Landie Love titled "Tonite Girl". We are especially excited about this video because of its professional look and style. I couldn't have been more happy with the footage but none of it was possible without Dorian Tocker, the Director of Photography. Thankfully, we all work great as a team and I am convinced that I need to work on filming my next personal short film soon. This is going to be a juicy one.

Finally, I am almost graduating, another semester and a half and I am DONE and coming home to the real world. Nervous and excited; such confusing emotions but hey. I'm just gonna have to suck it up.

Anyway, expect new stuff to look through soon.

- Jon Agua

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