Monday, December 1, 2008

This past weekend

So the premiere of "Tonite Girl" was set to go down on Saturday Novemeber 29th at Imperial Night Club. However, due to unforeseen events, it did not go as planned. Seems like the whole night was hexed on my end. Before leaving my house, I set my phone to charge only to find that for some reason, it will not. I try again and again and cannot get my phone's battery to charge. At this point, my cell phone battery is dead. I text everyone who I knew would show and told them about my phone situation and left without it.

I arrive to the spot where I spot my friend Goose and Dorian, the DP, already inside. Landie had yet to show so we waited by the bar where we paid for overpriced drinks. (No surprises there). Everything went pretty well up until it was brought to my attention that the DJ's were using the worst most ancient PC equipment to read the DVDs I had of the music video. So, we tried all three copies and regardless of how badly I wanted it to play, my paranoia had become reality and were now sitting in a club with several networks who now could not the video. Bummer.

We thought, let's forget about it and celebrate amongst ourselves. But then there was another problem. Apparently the promoter who had promised the Landie (artist in the video) a table in the back room had not committed to his agreement. What made this worse is that the bouncers were probably the biggest dickholes I have ever come across. Also, I felt bad for Landie because we was now being shut down in front of his guests. Not a good look when you're trying to show off your latest video. So, we were moved to another spot in the club, which wasn't so bad. We drank and danced and the night went on. At this point, no one had come by to show any support. But I wasn't upset, in fact, I was glad because I was embarassed the night had gone in the complete opposite direction I was hoping it would.

One friend did show up though, but was turned away at the door... for no reason. Apparently the guy at the door thought the white people standing behind them were better suited to enter the club. They were shut down and then told to get off the line. It wasn't the dresscode because for one, that club cleary wasn't strict about it. I saw people in there wearing things i KNOW would not be considered club wear. To make matters worse, my friend's had traveled from BK just to hang with me for the night. It was then that I was like, you know what fuck this club. I left, and went to meet with my friends who I could not find.

I hopped on the train only for it to lose power. In between stations. Tipsy, annoyed, and impatient, I sit on the train waiting for someone to give me a reason to spazz out. Fortunately power is restored and I get home. My mom points out that my father had fixed my phone (being the genius that he is) and go to bed. I was done for the night and I did not want to deal with anyone or anything.

Worst night ever? I don't think so. But things could have been better. Fuck that club. I'm sticking to house parties.

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