Tuesday, December 16, 2008

secret santa

So this year, the family decided to go with a "Secret Santa" trade off for x-mas. It seems like a lot of families have been doing this to deal with the discomfort of the recession. Regardless of the fact that x-mas is an industry driven holiday, I can't help but feel that this year it will help serve to protect many from a reality we are uncomfortable to accept; that a lot of us are jobless and broke. Fortunately for shoppers with very shallow pockets, there are many businesses shutting down stores. So, discounts may be available for things that are normally way out of your x-mas list shopping margin.

Still, this recession has really hit home and quite frankly it terrifies me a little. But not because I'm scared of starving to death or because getting a job will be even more difficult once I graduate (as traumatic as things might be). What scares me most is what this type of situation does to people. There is nothing worse than angry mobs of people full who feel they have been pushed into a corner retaliating against everyone else in order to obtain what they feel is rightfully theirs. "Survival" makes people do terrible things.

So this x-mas, as I sit with my family and watch my niece and nephew open their presents under the tree, I'll be hoping that this economy can find a place to settle soon so that I don't ever have to look into the eyes of my niece and nephew to tell them that the Santa won't be coming this year.

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