Monday, December 15, 2008

Bombs away

I know I'm a little late with this, but, I can't help but commenting on why it caught my eye. For starters, regardless of patriotism or whatever you wanna judge me for, you cannot blame this journalist for having some sort of outrage and anger against out president. America has fucked up Iraq. And in my eyes, his actions were justified, even if they were illogical and crazy. I mean you don't attack the president of the country that was not afraid to bomb you to begin with. Which brings me to my next point.

I have always tried to be observant of the way the media spins certain coverage, and personally this is one of those times. Notice how the lower third ( the box with the information about the network and what you are viewing, etc. )? Doesn't it seem a little larger than usual? Well that's cuz it is. But only because MSNBC doesn't want you to see how quickly the secret service tackles the shit out this man. Who knows what they did to him as he laid on the ground. Regardless, the US government would feel it is justified, even if it was only a shoe. That missed by the way.

Finally, I don't speak Iraq, but I'm sure that the translation that the news network was able to acquire of what the journalist is said to be yelling is probably wrong. So expect this man to be treated and labeled as a terrorist. Even though this is being treated lightly, it's still interesting to see how the media works to censor certain things and spin them in their favor.

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