Friday, December 26, 2008

A Nigga Moment.

Yes, that's right. I said it. Nigga. And do you know why? Because some people in this world are just so ignorant, that, you can't think of any other word to describe the retardation that occurs in their prehistoric, uneducated brains.

Most people will say many positive things about Diddy, AKA Puffy, AKA P. Diddy AKA Puff Daddy; about his entrepreneurship and his success as a music producer. I have no beefs with that. And I also have no problems with people who take their success give back to the communities that supported them. But when you announce to the world that you plan on helping the homeless by giving away FREE IPOD NANOS, you are a dumb, stupid, foolish nigga.

What the FUCK are homeless people going to do with ipods? Upload their favorite tunes off their fancy computers? Of course. And while they're on the internet, they'll look up the many ways to prepare hot meals for their starving families. Seriously, when people like Diddy and Bush are able to live successfully in this world without a shred of clear intelligence on the tips of their brain, it blows my fucking mind.

What is he trying to accomplish? Is he trying to mock the people who cannot afford to feed and clothe themselves or secure employment? In this fucked up economy, it's just fucking ignorant of you Sean Combs. I seriously feel my blood boiling over the stupidity that stems from whatever lifestyle it is you lead. Isn't your publicist supposed to keep you from making an ass of yourself? Or are you pocketing her wages the same way you do when you shelve your artists?

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