Monday, December 15, 2008


Another late post, but I thought I would share for those of you who do not keep up with the hip hop game.

LupEND, will be Lupe's third and final album. That's right. One of the illest emcee's to hit the airwaves is retiring early. As sad as I am about this, I am glad he will go out while still on top.

The good news? Lup [Everywhere] [Nowhere] and [Down Here] will be a 3 DISC album. That's right. So Lupe, who has dropped two albums with at least 18 tracks each, will be dropping an album with hopefully, 3 times the material. So if we're lucky, that's a minimum of 30 songs! Amazing.

I am anxious to hear this stuff as Lupe enthusiast. And if you have not really listened to a Lupe album, then you my friend are missing out. Check it out and I guarantee you will love it.

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