Thursday, December 18, 2008

best decision of 2008.

There comes a time in every man's life, when they encounter a situation that has them feeling like they've accomplished something so great, that no matter what the haters might say, or your friends may think, you feel like you are on top of the world. So you do your victory dance, you embellish on your greatness, and you share your grin with the rest world. For me, that accomplishment involved a meal decision that I will never forget.

These last couple of weeks have been rather tough for me at college. I have been hating myself for STILL being in this hell hole. And to make matters worse, I ran out of meal points in early November. Hunger and anger is not a good combination, and in fact, is the same combination that has started many revolutions. Just ask Che Guevara. [Stay tuned for an update on Stony Brook Riots]

Today, me and my friends looked for something to please our appetites, and satisfy our hunger. Given that we are unemployed and without meal points, we are limited to mac and cheese or ramen noodles to keep us alive. But every now and then, we are able to spend a little cash off campus. Only today was different, because today, we feasted at IHOP.

Say what you want about the terrible service, the fact that it is a chain restaurant, and that IHOP is not the first place you would think to go if truly hungry. But god damnit, did it get the job DONE. As a hungry person, you throw a lot of your inhibitions out the window of a speeding vehicle as you head to your nearest crap food service location. You settle for almost anything that will help your pocket and stuff you until you can't move. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you... the Colorado Omelet.

[not actual picture, but bear with me]

The meatlover's omelet features a cheese covered egg blanket of beef, ham, sausage, and bacon. With pepper's, tomatoes, and some other stuff in there I don't care enough to mention. Accompanied with... wait for it... wait for it... chocolate chip pancakes. YES. FUCK YES. It's like, a flat brownie of orgasmic proportions, and quite frankly, I think I jizzed a little. And to top it off, a bottomless pot of coffee with milk and sugar.

Let's just say it took about 30 minutes after I was done eating before I could gain enough energy to stand. And we rubbed elbows with death as my friend fought off the itis to get us back on campus. But we were successful. And here I am to spread the word of this delicious accomplishment which has filled me until, Saturday. Sure maybe I'm being dramatic. But I am happy, and last time I checked, that's all that mattered to me. My new motto?

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