Friday, December 26, 2008

A Nigga Moment.

Yes, that's right. I said it. Nigga. And do you know why? Because some people in this world are just so ignorant, that, you can't think of any other word to describe the retardation that occurs in their prehistoric, uneducated brains.

Most people will say many positive things about Diddy, AKA Puffy, AKA P. Diddy AKA Puff Daddy; about his entrepreneurship and his success as a music producer. I have no beefs with that. And I also have no problems with people who take their success give back to the communities that supported them. But when you announce to the world that you plan on helping the homeless by giving away FREE IPOD NANOS, you are a dumb, stupid, foolish nigga.

What the FUCK are homeless people going to do with ipods? Upload their favorite tunes off their fancy computers? Of course. And while they're on the internet, they'll look up the many ways to prepare hot meals for their starving families. Seriously, when people like Diddy and Bush are able to live successfully in this world without a shred of clear intelligence on the tips of their brain, it blows my fucking mind.

What is he trying to accomplish? Is he trying to mock the people who cannot afford to feed and clothe themselves or secure employment? In this fucked up economy, it's just fucking ignorant of you Sean Combs. I seriously feel my blood boiling over the stupidity that stems from whatever lifestyle it is you lead. Isn't your publicist supposed to keep you from making an ass of yourself? Or are you pocketing her wages the same way you do when you shelve your artists?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jon Agua's Winter Break - Day #2

Christmas day. Accompanied the family to a celebration in mass. Not one of my favorite things in the world to do, but I did it for them. After that, there was not much else to report. We all decided to be lazy and just hang indoors. Sleep around and eat. Also we watched a few movies. But it felt nice to be back home and have everyone sitting around to share something.

Feels a bit crowded in here, but it's nice. The kids are always hyper and keeping me on my toes with their energies. Tomorrow though, I think I'm gonna wake up and go job hunting. I need to fix this money situation ASAP. Freelancing is tough, and has been hurting my pocket. Hopefully this economy will turn around and pick up soon cuz it's definitely affecting everybody.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jon Agua's Winter Break - Day #1

A typical morning back home with the family. I woke up, hungry as usual, and decided to whip up some pancakes. Mhm. Been a long time since I made some of those bad boys my way. Then I looked in the fridge and discovered the single most anticipated thing I look forward to every Christmas, pernil. That's right. And for all you Spanish illiterate people out there, it's pork. (I forgot which part of the pig but I think it's the back - I know I should know but I don't care cuz it could be pork's ass for I call are and I'd still eat - Yes it's that good.) So that definitely made my morning cuz I know we gonna be tearing that joint up TONIGHT!

Anyway, I've decided that I was going to try and log as much of my winter break as possible. Yeah sounds boring, but I will try to make it as entertaining for you folks as possible. My reason for writing today was something that my nephew said. This morning, Matthew made a song request. He remembered a song he'd heard when we was to go driving in my car. I was a little moved by the fact that he remembered. It was "Back in the Day" by The Pharcyde. He was able to describe the song to me by repeating the melody of the chorus. I guess the reason I was moved is because I have always loved hip-hop. And nowadays I find myself listening to more old stuff than anything new cuz most of the new stuff just blows.

More interesting though is how my nephews generation is going to be affected. Most families today are living with three generations now in the household due to economic times. So the youngest generation in the household is going to pick up things pertaining to three different eras, including their own. Matthew is definitely smarter than I was at his age and he's only 5. His imagination and vocabulary are way beyond what mine was. All the information surrounding him is tremendous and the facilities through which he can access this have only become easier to use and more entertaining (internet, TV, video games, etc.). So I only imagine the type of information this kid holds in his brain and will have when he is in his teens.

But even the fact that he was able to remember the song just kills me. A kid enjoying a song reminiscing about one's childhood, makes him feel like a little grown up (whether or not he knows what the song is saying).

Here is the song for you folks to enjoy.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nothing says home, like junk food.

So I began my winter break, and I started off with Chinese food, which I have been craving for so long. Nothing beats the chinese spot around my way. Grade-A stuff. Mmm. Mmm. Merry Christmas to Jon. :D

not actual picture. but you get the point.


Finally, a much needed winter break for my brain. I hate this place and I cannot wait to graduate. Honestly I feel like waving one of these right now.

And don't tell me "oh, you say that now but once we leave college you're gonna miss it", cuz it's BULLSHIT. I'm never gonna miss doing homework, or writing a stupid essay on environmental history, or doing math (yuck). Never! The only thing I will miss is the dorming experience and the moments I shared with my friends here on campus. Other than that, pfft. School can kiss my ass goodbye.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

In the spirit of a naughty Christmas

Jordan 11 & 12 package drops TODAY!

I'm no Jordan connoisseur, but the little time I spent working in a sneaker store in the summer I picked up a bit of knowledge. For starters, I know that Jordan started packaging their Jordans together to add up to 23. I think that's stupid because good Jordans are mixed up with ugly ones sometimes. But this package in particular, even I will admit is a good combo.

The only problem now is coughing up somewhere around 250-350. In these times? That's a big problem. And to make matter worse, finding them in your size is even tougher. Sorry ladies, but 3.5 and 4's go FAST. Hope your boyfriends really got love for ya this Christmas.