Thursday, March 20, 2008

movie blurb

speed racer

not sure how i feel about this project. i am a fan of the wachowski brothers but speed racer? after careful viewing of the trailers, im not sure what to expect. usually i have a knack in knowing whether or not movies will suck by simply watching the trailer. but im seriously not sure. i have never really seen an episode of speed racer but i know the jist of the story. i do however feel it will be sourly predictable with the typical kung fu story tale that the wachowski brothers love to give their movies. however, ever since the matrix trilogy, they haven't been able to pull something original. it honestly just looks like thet fast and the furious: tokyo drift on ecstasy. all i know is, im looking forward to the bootleg.

the love guru

not since austin powers has mike meyers shown himself on the big screen and once again, he manages to pull off an original character. but im not sure im too excited about this one. the story seems pretty weak, mike meyers appears to be pulling the same corny jokes he had in austin powers, oh and also "mini-me" is playing a real person in this one. (sorry no cracks on little people i have standards) what i did enjoy from this trailer however was justin timberlake's role. i must admit i did not think he was much of an actor when i saw him in alpha dog, but i do like his spunk. there might be more talent in that boy than meets the eye. also jessica alba stars and she is HOOOOTTT. yes i am secretly obsessed with her beautiful... eyes. i can say that i am looking forward to mike meyers' return to the big screen. i loved waynes world and i loved austin powers. big ups to meyers!


nothing is more inspriring than to know that there are people out there who are willing to throw money away on shit movies. it motivates me everyday with the comfort in knowing that there is money out there to sponsor one of our awesomely huge productions. ::sigh:: but dammnit why do people allow such shitty productions to happen. i love a good action flick as much as the next guy but... really?! the whole "bullet time" thing has been overdone with every summer movie since 97. LET IT GO. i think it's time those people in the graphics department realized its not so cool anymore. unfortunately, there are people willing to pay to see this shit. so they dont get the hint. except of course when oscar time comes around. as for angelina jolie? i wont even go there. cuz i honestly dont think shes that hot. yeah i know what the guys are thinking.. hey you must be gay. fuck that. angelina can take those chappy lips back on safari while she pretendes to care for third world countries by gentrifying children. in short... WANTED will suck.


Anonymous said...

On Speed Racer: The Wachowski Bros need something to make up for the last 2/3 of the Matrix Trilogy. Did you hear that they stole the story idea for The Matrix from a woman they met while they were in Landmark (the self-improvement program based in NYC)? Apparently they pretty much ganked it and denied it. Not sure what ever happened. Talk about bad karma...They should make Bound 2 with Kim Kardashian and Mariah Carey starring.

Anonymous said...

Yes, by "Anonymous," I meant "Latino Zero."

Keep up the good work, fellas!!

Anonymous said...

"Fast and the Furious on ecstasy"...reminds me of the night I popped my cherry.

I love Nick Cannon!