Thursday, April 10, 2008


holy crap. how long has it been since ive posted something. man i am the world's procrastinator. I can never find a balance for the things I want to do with myself, it's just crazy. Anyway for those of you very consistent watchers out there, SCRUBS IS COMING BACK TONIGHT!!!! That's right. it's not joke. It's the final season. For those of you who haven't been watching, shame shame shame.

For those of you who STILL don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, TAKE A HIKE! I got not much else to report except how this summer is going to be awesome at the movies. So many good flicks dropping; Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Get Smart, Hell Boy II, Flawless, and so many other goodies I can't think of.

yes i know we STILL havent our latest short but sue me! I am a full time college student dammnit and I got other priorities. except for Jonavy, he just sits on his ass.

well have a good one people.

J. Agua