Thursday, February 28, 2008

terrible fan base.

you have to be the laziest group of supporters... seriously lol. Either that or we just don't get enough coverage from you people or you are all just afraid to express your opinions of us. that's ok. you're less of a human being at this point lol.

anywho jonavy came over this past weekend and got back into editing the rest of the short. yes it almost finished its just that there were some sound issues and other cinematic related problems we had to resolve. after some donuts, coffee and a little bit of halo 3, we figured it out.

check out the new teaser for the short on the website.

Friday, February 15, 2008

redubby dubbs.

i have always been a very big fan of parodies. movies such as naked gun or spinal tap have always sparked my interest for the simple fact that it reminds me how stupid pop culture can be.

recently i came across an interesting series i discovered on youtube. you would be surprised of the awesome stuff you can find up there. so anyway i thought i would share it with you guys.

this series is called "Short Circuit II: The Comedy Series". Now just imagine Johnny 5, except he is a foul mouth prick. personally i found this entertaining. but you be the judge.

Monday, February 11, 2008


here's the vid of amy's terrible performance.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

what has become of music.

the grammy's just finished and i sit here more confused than i have ever been in my life. why? because amy winehouse just took home the record of the year award. however, that wasn't as appalling as her performance and speech were. for those of you who did not watch the event, amy performed via satellite. why? because this woman was not allowed in the US. this comes at no surprise considering that she is currently undergoing rehab for her current condition back home in London.

but i sat there and could not help but laugh at the idea that she took the chance to sing her infamous single "rehab". if you don't know what this song is about, it's about her NOT going to rehab. the obvious irony. but what made this so amusing was that amy winehouse is perhaps the single worst performer in history with consideration to location and or types. so this includes everyone from black face, to the man playing the keyboard in 42nd street. she is the worst.

amy's facial expressions were beyond unbelievable. as a matter of fact, they seemed to be nothing short of facial seizures and spasms. afterward, when her performance was done, it took her at least 6.4 seconds to go from a face spasm to utter the words "thank you" in a reluctant and probably, inebriated tone. i literally sat on the edge of my seat expecting vomit to cut her off in the middle of her sentence.

what followed this was the nominations for record of the year. and as the camera is cutting to the nominees, it cuts to amy a bit earlier while justin timberlake is being nominated and we catch a glimpse of amy talking to herself in front of the audience in the venue where she was performing in the London. sure, we all talk to ourselves now and then. but for those who do it in public, its a bit different. i was convinced that woman is the devil. there was so much angst and anger in her expression as she mumbled inaudible words to herself on stage.

amy continues and is unable to process the fact that she has actually won, and undergoes another face spasm. another 7 seconds go by and amy hugs her backup singers and her mother, who runs up on stage. finally she gets to the mic. now most artists thank jesus, mom, dad, their managers and so forth while accepting their awards. amy however continues to make me laugh harder than i ever have in my life by thanking an incarcerated friend.

yes. never have i laughed so hard at what a disgrace this woman is to all female artists. this award could have served better as the scrap material used to make it.
lets hope the US can keep her out. because quite honestly i would hate to be caught laughing at amy's facial disability.

comments and login issues.

i just checked out the whole issue behind needing a login to leave a comment on the blog. well you dont need to have a google account. if you click on the tab you can choose to use your screen name. perhaps if you people dont feel so lazy you might wanna see something here and there from now. heck you can even choose to leave a comment under a nickname or anonymous for those of you living under the radar for whatever reason.

yes we are anxious we want to know what you think dammit we are pulling our hair out over here.

uuggghhh its ok. i think we will be fine.

a phony lurks in the shadow.

so i was bored today and i decided to google sugar rush productions and see what comes out. and it turns out some lame-o has decided that it would be fun to take our name and turn it into a similar business. now there is a possibility that he had the url and or domain before we did, but, that doesn't change the fact that he sucks.

yeah you see him. remember his face. and if you ever see him walking around your block. tell your neighborhood thugs to ask him to kindly run his shit which should follow a traditional phone check.

we are so much cooler. so please. don't try and copy us. or we karate chop you in the face.


Saturday, February 9, 2008

just a little taste.

from what i have been hearing, intervention has entertained plenty of you. also, there have been many questions about the plot to our next short. as a result, i decided to make this teaser trailer.

also for those of you who know about the blog. tell your friends, cousins, and enemies. we could use all the support and comments would definitely be more fun to read. enjoy. and thanks for your support.